The Under-Represented Groups workstream will focus on under-employment of certain groups, such as people with learning disabilities, autistic people and people who have experienced sensory loss. We know that it can be harder for employers to make the changes needed to create real opportunities for everyone, including people who are the most under-represented in workforces so we need to make sure there is still lots of delivery with employers to address these concerns.




From August 2022 this workstream will follow on from the previous workstream of the same name. This workstream will cover the same areas as the Delivery but with a focus on under-represented groups.

Over time we hope that this can be joined with the Delivery workstream as the same process will
be followed, i.e. assessment, action plan, delivery, review etc.

There will also be input from the Evidence & Impact Manager to ensure we are gathering evidence on activities and that changes that are being made as a result.