What is it?

The Experience Network is the name for the lived experience workstream which is part of Apt.

By including people with lived experience in all aspects of our work, we inform practice, add credibility and create opportunities.

The purpose of this workstream is to ensure people who have lived experience of a disability or long-term health condition are at the centre of everything we do at Apt. The group is intended to bring a range of people with lived experience together with people who have a passion for working with employers to develop their understanding of employing disabled people and having a diverse workforce.

What does the Experience Network do?

Our Experience Network are consulting on the design and development of pilot projects, delivering training to
employers and working with them to test our ideas. Those who participate will also be able to contribute across the other workstreams as it’s important that all our work benefits from the lived experience of disabled people themselves.

In some cases, members of our Experience Network will act as consultants to the other workstreams, supporting and enhancing their delivery of training and other services.


Why is it important?

Members of our Experience Network tell us what being employed means for their well-being.

Get Involved!

We are looking for new members of the Experience Network. This is to ensure we have a diverse pool of people with varying and different knowledge and experience of being a disabled person in employment. If you would like to find out more, download a copy of our Guide to Joining the Experience Network, or contact us at apt@susescotland.scot

If you would like to request the Guide in an alternative format, such as Easy Read, please contact us at apt@susescotland.scot

As someone diagnosed with a disability in recent years, my involvement in Apt has given me the opportunity to share my ideas, experience and knowledge in a respectful, positive, supportive and constructive setting. Katharine Jackson
It is a privilege to be involved with, and be a part of, the important work of Apt, in working together and towards reducing the disability employment gap within our organisations and workplaces. Anne Blyth